Legal Notice
SIRET no. 83775878800017
RCS La Roche-sur-Yon B 837 758 788
Intra-community VAT number: FR71837758788
The website is hosted by the company IONOS by 1&1.
Responsible for publication: Oscar LAUBY.
HKTC is a simplified joint-stock company whose head office is located at ZI La Croix des Chaumes - 85170 Le Poiré sur Vie in France.
Capital: €860 000
Telephone: 02 51 31 62 62
Intellectual property
The information disseminated on the HKTC site is written and illustrated by the HKTC Marketing department using sources and content (photos, texts, iconography, etc.) from HKTC as well as from the entire Vensys Group. The site may also contain images provided by third parties, partners of HKTC and the Vensys Group.
HKTC only authorizes the representation, distribution and copying of all or part of the Site and its content for private purposes, for the purpose of information on HKTC, and in compliance with French law.
In this context, this site and its content are protected by the law of March 11, 1957. Any representation, reproduction, publication or distribution in whole or in part of the site or its content, made without the consent of HKTC or its assigns or successors in title, is unlawful (first paragraph of Article 40). This representation or reproduction, publication or distribution, by any process whatsoever, would therefore constitute an infringement punishable by articles 425 and following of the old French penal code.
Except with the prior written consent of HKTC and outside the authorizations granted, no reproduction, modification, marketing of the site or its content, in any form and by any means whatsoever, is authorized. For your requests, please contact the Marketing Department on 02 51 31 62 62 or by sending an email to